
Sunday, December 30, 2007

12/30 News Bites - LOST BOYS 2 pic, GRINDHOUSE in Japan, and Arnold in TERMINATOR?

- Direct-to-DVD remake-o-rama! The atrocious looking DAY OF THE DEAD and criminally remade SISTERS both hit video stores near you first quarter of 2008.

- GRINDHOUSE gets a massive six-disc DVD release in Japan this March. It looks like the first four discs will be ports of what we've already seen in the two-disc releases of DEATH PROOF and PLANET TERROR. The fifth disc will include the 191 minute presentation of the theatrical version, and the sixth disc includes the following Japanese exclusive features:

- Grindhouse - US Trailer
- 2006 San Diego Comicon
- Tarantino Interview
- Staff/Cast comments
- The Directors of the Fake Trailers
- Coments on past Grindhouse Films
- Making Of Planet Terror

No artwork has yet to be released. Start saving up your yen now!

First pic of Corey Feldman as Edgar Frog from LOST BOYS 2: THE TRIBE!

- Theatrical trailer for THE SIGNAL, which gets a limited release Febrary 22nd

- TERMINATOR SALVATION: THE FUTURE BEGINS producer Moritz Borman has this to say about Schwarzenegger's film involvement: “I can tell you this much — this is the story everybody has been waiting for. Namely, we’re in the future. The part of it where Arnold’s character has not yet been built but is on the drawing board. It’s convenient that he hasn’t been built at this point of the story, as Arnold has more important things to do right now, but that doesn’t mean he might not re-appear later in the trilogy.”

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