
Tuesday, June 26, 2007


DROP BOX (2006)

A pop-princess, Mindy, accidentally returns her sex-tape to a local video store, and spends the day battling wits against Tom, the store clerk attempting to get it back. As the day winds on, Tom must deal with his rag-tag customers, while Mindy begins to learn a little about herself.

Filmed in Canada in a small rundown video store, DROP BOX plays out much like CLERKS did over a decade ago. In between the witty banter of Mindy and Tom, that can only exist in script form, Tom, who channels the vengeful spirit of disenchanted video clerks the world over, scorns, destroys, deletes and denies the customers who come in. Mixing in the current pop-culture phenomenon of the celebrity sex-tape (this one has a twist, kids, but nothing is actually shown) allows for some social commentary on the pedestal that the general populous puts the rich and famous on.

David Cormican, who plays Tom, is totally at home behind the counter, and verbally dropkicks his co-stars with the lines his given with an ease that more than hints he's probably jockeyed a register or two in his lifetime. His appearance is spot-on as well. Ask anybody to describe your average film geek, and nine out of ten will assuredly describe Cormican. Likewise, Rachel Sehl is physically perfect in her role as popstar Mindy. And while her delivery here is a bit weak and wooden, it somehow works in this universe. Almost a self-aware comment on pop-stars who try to act (the video Mindy rents which sets the whole thing in motion is GLITTER, after all). If this is the case, Sehl delivers a fine performance.

Anesty and Spiros Carasoulos, co-wrote and co-directed DROP BOX, and as a shoe-string budget debut film, they deliver a fine comedy. The writing solid for the scenerio, and fills in the prerequisite scolding of bad employees and bad movies. Some may say this is nothing more than a CLERKS rip-off, and while there are certainly comparisons, "rip-off" is an unfair label. There is really only so many things that you write about when a video store is your sole set. The Carasoulos' do try to add a little panache to their cinematography, and take the whole POV-from-a-car-trunk shot to a whole new level.

DROP BOX plays out like a television pilot that was never picked up. Interesting would-be recurring characters are set-up but don't really evolve, the shot-on-video look has a small-screen appeal, and the 75 running time is perfect amount to let the story come to its conclusion without dragging, while leaving enough potential open ends for a sequel or spin-off. Perhaps we've not seen the last of Tom.

Click Here For The Official DROP BOX Myspace Page

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